The best part of waking up...
November 07, 2014![]() |
Morning in the mountains, 11/07/2014 |
The year was 1993. I was barely 21 and getting ready for my first day at a new job and what turned out to be the start of a new career. Mornings were hard for me. I was lucky to get my clothes on right-side in and forward most days. There I was standing in the tiny kitchen of my rented house trying to figure out if I had everything before walking out the door when suddenly there was a knock.
Anxiously I peeked out and there he was, all smiling and full of energy. He came by to wish me good luck on my first day. I remember him straightening my scrub top and fixing the hem of my pants so they were properly tucked into my socks, hey it was the 90s. He made sure I had my purse, my lunch, my keys, a big hug and loving kiss, then sent me on my way.
It is now 21 years later, mornings haven't gotten any easier, and he is still always thinking of me.
This morning I woke up and the truck wasn't moving. He usually wakes up before me and drives for an hour or two before I wake up. Then we stop to get coffee or breakfast. But, this morning we were already stopped. I poked my messy bed head out of the sleeper and was greeted with "Good morning my beautiful!" A groggy, I-haven't-had-coffee-yet smile and I manage to ask why we were stopped.
There is a pass in North Carolina on I-40 heading up to Tennessee. It is a gorge that follows the Pigeon River for 20 some miles. He told me he didn't want me to miss it, so he stopped and waited so I could see it. Always thinking of me. Always taking care of me. After getting dressed and getting a hot cup of coffee, made right here in the truck, he took me on a leisurely drive through the gorge. As I sipped my coffee I got to see the mountain fall colors in all their magesty. Ambers, golds, coppers, and ruby reds, mixed in with the vibrant evergreens. It was a gorgeous morning driving through God's garden all decked out in Christmas colors.
And there he sat in the driver's seat pointing trees and mountains out to me, all the while with a smile of amusement on his handsome face. The road was narrow and curvy, and there weren't any scenic pull offs to stop and take pictures. While I managed to snap a few from the moving truck, the memory of this serene mountain morning will always remain. And every day I hope I make him as happy and feel as loved as he does me.