Share the Road

April 20, 2015

Truck Drivers want to share the road. The only reason I keep pushing so much big truck this and that is because I didn't realize how one sided things really are until I came out here. Truck Drivers have a professional license. They pay road use taxes, car drivers don't. They pay hundreds of dollars for all their CDL endorsements. The industry is highly over regulated and micromanaged, more than almost any other industry.  You really have no idea. And still they are pushing for more regulations.  It's making it almost impossible to do the job.

I challenge anyone to ride with a driver over the road for a month and will you see the reality. Yet car drivers are never taught how to drive around big trucks. They are never taught to share the road with us. They are never taught the physics of a big truck, not safety and courtesy around them. They are not taught history of the highways nor why trucks are on the road. Nothing about commerce and shipping and what the truck driver does. No, instead they are taught truck drivers are evil road mongers, when that is not the case, not usually.

Trust me, truck drivers would like nothing more than to share the road with car drivers if only they would take the time to educate themselves and do the same.

~Sierra Sugar

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