America, just stop!

July 12, 2015


It has often been stated as being the greatest nation on earth by both Americans and foreigners alike.  Every year there are not hundreds, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of people that come to America both legally and illegally.  This has been going on for a couple hundred years. Which just by itself says something.  Parts of our history is ugly, yes.  Parts of our present is ugly too.  But a few things everyone needs to consider since America became, well...America.

We have freedom of speech.  This allows people to speak out publicly with out fear of persecution from their government.  That's right.  All those things you don't like, are offended by, disagree with, you can say so without fear of the government throwing you in jail, or worse.  Some countries behead you.  That doesn't mean your speaking out against what ever offends you gives you the right to take away some one else's rights.  You just have the right to complain.

We have freedom of religion.  Which allows every one to practice what ever religion they want, or no religion at all.  You don't like Christianity?  That's fine!  Great!  Don't go to church, or buy crosses, or say the words "...under God" when reciting the pledge.  That's your right.  Practice what ever religion you want, or don't practice any.  Don't take away someone else's ability to practice theirs.  You do not have that right.

We have a government system set up, while not perfect, it in theory has a checks and balance within it self.  Further, it is ultimately purviewed by the very people it is governing, that means you and me.  And we have always had the right to bear arms.
Not for hunting.
Not for protection against robbery.

**But for protection against a tyrannical government should it try to grow too powerful like governments from world history.**

Do Hitler and Stalin ring any bells?  What about the British government the American Revolution fought to escape?  THAT is our INALIENABLE right to bear arms.  Untouchable. Undeniable.  Can't be taken away.  Not just shot guns, but all guns. Our forefathers were smart enough set in motion the legal necessities to protect us, US, the people.

These are just some of the many reasons millions of people have come to America since the beginning of America.  It's worked for over 200 years.  Certainly not everything is perfect.  And not all citizens like all these things, but they don't have to like them, just abide by them.  Laws, from our ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION , were not made to be liked.  It's called compromise for the sake of order and safety. These are the reasons America has been called such a great nation, a nation of opportunity. Our freedom and foundation is strong.  Stop chipping away at it!!!

Just because you are offended doesn't make it wrong!

~Sierra Sugar

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